image courtesy WhatsApp So Facebook Inc finally decided to get on the dark train and rolled out dark mode for WhatsApp. Remember that most other apps including Instagram were already introduced to dark mode which has become very popular among users so it was no surprise that users quickly switched to the dark mode on WhatsApp once it was introduced early March after beta testing on both android and iOS. “It’s designed to reduce eye strain in low light environments. And we hope it helps prevent those awkward moments where your phone lights up the room.” WhatsApp said on their blog If you are crazy about dark mode like I am and you want all your apps to be on dark mode including WhatsApp then here’s how you can switch to dark mode ASAP. For Android 10 and iOS 13 users you can set dark mode by enabling it in the system settings. The first step, of course, is to update your WhatsApp app, go on to your app store and do that then follow the instructions ...